Explore Our Detailed Mezzanine Product Datasheets

This page hosts in-depth details about some of the key components that form our industry-leading mezzanine solutions.

Our 38mm particle board flooring solution has been a very popular flooring type amongst our partners. With its ability to be moisture resistant and anti-slip, numerous industries (with different types of premises) look to install a mezzanine with this cost-efficient flooring system implemented.

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Hi-Level’s highly durable powder-coated finish is one of the areas which separates us from most of the industry. With plenty of colours to choose from, we can ensure that your new mezzanine structure remains within your company branding.

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We pride ourselves on the finish of the structure we provide. With its long-lasting gloss retention and robust defence against marking, our mezzanines are not only fit-for-purpose but they also add to the aesthetics of your premises.

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Spacing and the main purpose of the stairs are the two key factors when it comes to deciding which type of staircase to implement in a certain area of your premises. This datasheet showcases the differences between the two.

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Up & over and swing gates are a fantastic method of transporting goods quickly and safely onto and/or off of mezzanine floors. It is also a cost-effective alternative to installing a goods lift. This datasheet showcases the differences between both gated methods.

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Hi-Level’s unique edge-protection system provides a functional and very neat solution that integrates both the handrail and toe plate into the handrail post.

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To safeguard stability and to avoid excessive movement and vibration across a mezzanine, platforms must be both robust and stiff. Bracing helps ensure this and there multiple methods which we can possibly implement. This datasheet explains each type and highlights their differences.

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The size and amount of escapes affect the level of fire resistance legally required on a mezzanine structure.

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